2 2018年云南省事业单位考试—教案 人教版 英语 四年级 上册事业单位招聘网_事业编考试_国企招聘网-华图事业单位-华图事业单位

2018年云南省事业单位考试—教案 人教版 英语 四年级 上册

云南华图教育 | 2018-07-04



  人教版小学英语my schoolbag教案


  Teaching topic: My Schoolbag

  Period:The first period

  Teaching aims:

  1) Knowledge object:

  Graspingthe new words: schoolbag, maths, storybook, notebook, toy,and sentence:what’s in it?

  2)Ability object

  Enhancings' listening and speaking skills, especially, s' ability of applying the sentences they have learned in this class.

  3)Emotion and attitude object

  Fosterings' teamwork spirit through pair-work and group activities; to arouse s' strong love of our school.

  Teaching key points and difficult points:

  1) Teaching key points:

  The usage of new words:storybook, notebook, toy, and pay attention to the pronunciation.

  2)Teaching difficult points:

  Using the sentences what’s in it? and what colour is it? In daily life.

  Teaching procedure:

  Step 1. Leading-in

  In this step, i will do a free talk with my students, i will ask students: do you like our school? Then let them think when they go to school, what they must bring to our school.

  Step 2. Presentation

  In this step, I will present the new words and patterns in the lesson. Let ss master the teaching important points.

  ( 1 ) Taking out one schoolbag, then ask students what’s this? And show the word “schoolbag”. Then ask students “what’s in your schoolbag”, and show the word notebook, math book, story book.

  ( 2 ) askingsome volunteers to read the words in different ways, such as: low-high voice, together or one by one.

  Step 3. Practice

  In this step, I design threeactivities to help studentsgrasp what they have learned better:

  Activity one:Match game

  Showing some things about the words we have learned today, then let students say it’s English name loudly.

  Activity two:Pair work

  Let students read the dialogue in role play, then pick up some groups to come here to show the role-play.

  Activity three:Discussion

  Four students in a group, let them discuss what’s in our classroom. Then, pick up some groups to make a presentation in front of classroom.

  Step 4. Summary

  I will ask students what they have learned from this class, then let students summarize the language points they have learned in this lesson.

  Step 5. Homework

  Let studentsobserve their homes or their bedrooms, then think about what’s in their homes or bedrooms, next class, show their ideas to the whole class..

  Blackboard design:


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